GA4, what is it and what does it mean for Google analytics?

If you have logged into your Google analytics account recently you'll have a seen a message to update your account to GA4? What does this mean for me and my business is a question we are getting asked lots here at Adigi. So what is it? GA4 refers to Google Analytics 4, which is the latest version...

What is SEO and why is it important for your WordPress website?

What is SEO and why is it important for your WordPress website?

When we have worked out your objectives, designed you a high performing and technically optimised website you'll need to concentrate your efforts on driving visitors to the website. SEO, or search engine optimisation, is the prac...

What will the new Google mobile friendly update mean for your website and digital strategy?

What will the new Google mobile friendly update mean for your website and digital strategy?

Google's mobile new ranking algorithm will officially launch on April 21st and will include mobile-friendly usability factors and app indexing. For the last two years we’ve been indicating to our clients and anyone that...

Google’s Latest Algorithm Updates: Panda and Penguin

Google’s Latest Algorithm Updates: Panda and Penguin

There have been a number of updates on Google over the past 8 weeks in the Algorithm, these have been named under two names the first being Panda and the second being Penguin. Have these effected adigi as a business, not really, h...

Google Rewards Top Ranking Sites

The new scheme for ranking internet websites is the new standard from Google, and the faster your site reaction the higher rank your site will have. By having a higher rank means you will be high in a Google search and therefore w...

What is search engine optimisation?

How do people use the internet these days? We’ll of a recent survey it was found that 95% of all internet users will use a search engine at some point, most each time they log on. Indeed you’ll probably agree that the majority...

Social Media, should a company use it or not?

This is a question that many companies ask us here at adigi and it is often a question we are reluctant to answer, here is why. Of course social media is a powerful tool for promoting any business online, this is if it is done rig...