adigi offer a unique insight into the new media world and how companies and individuals are using search engine optimisation to raise the visibility of their websites, drive traffic and increase enquiries and sales!
Starting from the beginning the ‘SEO Master Training Course’ will show how websites are the key marketing tool for 2010 and beyond. adigi’s SEO Training Course helps individuals develop their knowledge of search engine optimisation or SEO for short. The training course provides a one day intensive SEO insight and learning workshop to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to optimise your website and generate visibility for traffic ongoing. Written and prepared with a leading training consultancy the course will effectively bring to life the ‘dark art’ of search engine optimisation helping individuals not only understand the techniques needed but also pass them on to colleagues as well.
Training you to understand search engine optimisation
The adigi seo training courses are prepared and delivered by professional experts in SEO with over 15 years experience in search engine optimisation for many recognised brands. The ‘Master SEO Training’ is held across Yorkshire including Leeds, Sheffield, York and Harrogate with new locations being added every couple of months. Each course is limited to up to eight people to ensure the sessions remain informal and focused on delivering a memorable experience. The team of trainers understand how to relate with the attendees and ensure a level of knowledge is shared with all.
Become a ‘Master’ of Search Engine Optimisation
The adigi ‘SEO Master’ training course is suitable for all, whether interested for business or a personal website the ‘SEO Master’ training course will help bring to life search engine optimisation. The SEO course will assist in learning more about SEO and fast track your knowledge of how to implement SEO techniques. Looking at the ‘bigger picture’ the trainers can help you look at how SEO fits into your marketing strategy, understand how and when it should be used to add value to your marketing plans.
The ‘Master’ SEO training course teaches you the knowledge of search engine optimisation, allowing you to get started in understanding the dos and do not’s of SEO. Once the basic’s have been taught and understood the course covers the more comprehensive understanding of SEO and how to get the most of your online marketing strategy. The morning tuition will clarify the basics of optimisation and the afternoon will move your understanding to how it can be applied in a real world situation, considering the off page factors that directly influence your rankings. A popular course already, are you ready to become a ‘master’ of search engine optimisation?
SEO Master Training Course Outline:
A brief history of the internet and search engine optimisation
Introduction to search engine optimisation
How modern search engines rank websites
What is optimisation?
Keyword research and strategy
On-site optimisation
Off-site optimisation
Long term optimisation – planning for the future
Monitoring page rank and interpreting for strategy
Link building strategy
To find out more contact us today…email [email protected] or call 01484 437401