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Whilst you might be used to buying a new outfit or the latest technology online, buying a new car without having seen it in real life, might be a new concept. However, for the money rich, time poor amongst us, BMW have developed a new e commerce platform, where you give some basic details; how many people are usually in the car, the locations you usually drive, the amount of boot space you need, and then voila! BMW have picked you a new car, and from here, you can purchase it with a click of a button! There is also a live chat available where you can talk to experts, or you can then arrange a test drive at your local dealership of your chosen car.


They recommended the 650i Sport Coupe, stating it is the BMW for me, giving a few alternatives, and a ‘buy your BMW’ button, which is convinient if I were to go ahead with the purchase. According to The Drum magazine, “most sales have come from the higher end of the product range.” BMW’s UK marketing director Paul Ferraiolo, he this trend suggests, “there is an interest from well informed, time poor customers” despite what we might initially think when we look objectively at the idea. Women are apparently a key target market with, “BMW noting that particular demographic is generally less comfortable in the typical showroom situation and negotiating with what’s seen by some as the ‘enemy salesperson.'” The move into e commerce then, is said to be BMW trying to create a more complete experience both on and offline for customers, and it includes a service in store that allows people to get advice from someone who isn’t earning commision; giving in theory, more unbiased, honest advice.


So if you’re looking for a car and don’t want to go into a showroom, technology seems to be advancing in your favour.