Here at adigi, we try to help you with all your digital marketing schemes, you can read our past blogs on using Pinterest for boosting your business and using video as a marketing strategy here!

Today, we want to focus on using images and visual content  in your social media and how they will increase engagement with what you are posting. People are visual creatures, we are far more attracted to things we can see rather than just words on a page, and, according to Dot Com Infoway, people process images 600,000 times faster than text, and information is more easily retained when they are delivered through an infographic. Visual content has become huge social media platforms in itself, with the rise of Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr all becoming huge social media platforms, with few words- at most simply a caption to accompany or explain a photo and put it in context. Smart phones with cameras mean a huge percentage of the population can take photos of anything they want, and share it with the world with a click of a button. As a business, this relates to you with the fact a statement from you desciribing your services or selling your items will not compete with a similar business posting similar text, but with images of said products and services which will entice the customer to follow through with an enquiry or sale. The image builds trust- a client can see what they are purchasing, if your pictures show your products in use, it may encourage them to think how they would use the product, and how they want to be like the image on the screen, every consumer  buys products by buying into the concept of the brand.


Search engine optimisation is key for all businesses, and images help with this too! By using search friendly captions and metadata, images help increase your SEOs, and may be posted on other sites which will link back to your site.

Have boards on Pinterest with your products, if you are posting a Tweet, attach multiple images to visually show products or services, on Facebook attach images to status'. It is reported that a 'post' on social media is three times more likely to be 'shared' if it contains visual content- this figure increases when it also contains a video. Infographics are useful too, as they make complex subject matter far more accessible to the massess. Many well known brands today work to create quirky photos or videos to portray their brand message and products in a way that is more subtle but convey their brand message sans words- such as the following Vine from Volkswagen Canada who show the longevity of their brand, loved throughout the years- and lasting throughout the years!

For anyone posting to social media it is important to make sure your images are clear, detailed, and fun! Trends do occur stylistically with how images are taken, for example the props used or the background- if you view similar companies and products, and keep up to date on what is popular online so you can fit your branding in with this, this will hopefully increase your engagement with 'shares' and 'likes'.  With markets as saturated as they are, it is important to give your business an edge- and images, and video do seem an easy way to boost your online presence and give your company a better change to get noticed!