In 2012 we saw a number of updates by Google that have changed the way we undertake online marketing, 2013 as in 2012 is going to be all about content both on and off your website.

Engaging content that really adds value to the reader experience always gets the best response from both the viewer and Google. When you are offering your expertise and insight to give something useful to the audience then that content becomes, entertaining, funny or meaningful. Content that really gives the viewer benefit will be viewed by the search engines and its audience of value.

The rise of content marketing is also allowing companies or brands who traditionally had this information in PDFs or offline to publish it on the internet. This will breathe new life into it and bring it to a new audience. That said, content that isn’t really content but dressed-up advertising never works, won’t help you meet your objectives, and ultimately leads to distrust from its intended audience.

Most of all keep in mind when adding content to your website, social media platform or blog that it has to entertain and be of some value to its intended audience. This will add value in the long run to your strategy.